Affordable Denture Repair will repair or reline your existing partials. We are also able to make brand new acrylic partials with either acrylic or metal wire clasping. Clasping is the portion of the partial that fits around your real teeth securing the partial in place. Acrylic clasping is less noticeable than wire clasping because the acrylic will usually blend in with your gums, whereas any metal clasping can be easily seen when smiling. We are able to match the color of the acrylic in your partial to the color of your gums in order to make your partial less noticeable.
Whether your partial has teeth that are broken or missing, is completely broken in half, has a broken clasp, we will be able to provide partial repair in Massachusetts. Older partials that have metal framework may not be able to be repaired. In this situation we can make you a brand new acrylic partial.
What is a flipper? A flippers is a partial denture that normally only replaces 1-2 teeth.
Flippers without any clasping (as seen on the left) normally need to be held in with denture adhesive due to the lack of clasping. Snap in flippers (as seen on the right) have acrylic clasping and are usually preferred because it is more comfortable due to its smaller size. Flippers usually cost around $150.
The average price to repair a partial is around $150-$200 depending on the type of repair necessary.
It is not recommended to fix your partial yourself. Trying to fix your partial yourself can lead to causing more damage to your partial which may lead to increased repair costs. Super glueing teeth back into your partial can cause your partial to fit incorrectly or could cause discoloration in the acrylic around the tooth.
If you’ve had a tooth pulled we can add a new tooth to your existing partial to replace the newly pulled tooth.
Partials are usually held in by clasps that surround your remaining teeth to firmly hold the partial in. However, if you have experienced extreme bone loss or gum shrinkage, it may still be required to use denture adhesives such as “Fix-o-dent” or “Polydent” to keep your partial secure.
Yes, partials are able to be relined. If the size of your gums change due to severe weight loss or oral bone deterioration, partials may loose their firm fit and may need to be relined.
Relining a partial is an easy and inexpensive procedure.
A partial with thin metal wiring can easily be repaired (as seen below on left).
A partial with thick metal framework is not as easily repaired (as seen below on right).
It is possible to fix the acrylic portions of a metal partial. However, if the metal framework of the partial breaks you will need to get a new acrylic partial made. If this is the case, we can make you a new acrylic partial in our denture lab.